Step 1: Create Transaction Inputs

Each input in a Bitcoin transaction must specify:

  • Transaction ID (32 bytes): Points to the UTXO being spent
  • Output Index (4 bytes): Which output from that transaction
  • ScriptSig: Placeholder for the unlocking script
  • Sequence (4 bytes): Usually 0xFFFFFFFF
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InputTransaction ID (big-endian)Output IndexSequence

Note: In the transaction serialization below, these Transaction IDs are converted to little-endian format as required by the Bitcoin protocol.

1Transaction Breakdown:
4Version: 01000000
6Input Count: 02
9Previous TXID: fff7f7881a8099afa6940d42d1e7f6362bec38171ea3edf433541db4e4ad969f
10Output Index: 00000000
11ScriptSig Size: 00
13Sequence: eeffffff
16Previous TXID: ef51e1b804cc89d182d279655c3aa89e815b1b309fe287d9b2b55d57b90ec68a
17Output Index: 01000000
18ScriptSig Size: 00
20Sequence: ffffffff
22Locktime: 11000000

Why are scriptSig fields empty?

Transaction signing follows a specific order:

  1. First, we create the transaction structure with empty scriptSig fields
  2. Then, we calculate the signature hash (sighash) for each input
  3. Finally, we add the signatures to create the complete transaction

Code Implementation

def create_input(
    txid: str,
    vout: int,
    script_sig: bytes = b'',
    sequence: bytes = b'\xff\xff\xff\xff'
) -> bytes:
    # Convert txid from hex string and reverse (to little-endian)
    txid_bytes = bytes.fromhex(txid)[::-1]
    # Convert vout to 4 bytes, little-endian
    vout_bytes = int_to_little_endian(vout, 4)
    # Script length and script
    script_sig_length = varint(len(script_sig))
    return (
        txid_bytes +           # 32 bytes
        vout_bytes +          # 4 bytes
        script_sig_length +   # 1 byte
        script_sig +          # variable
        sequence              # 4 bytes

Helper Functions

Two essential encoding functions:

  1. int_to_little_endian: Converts integers to little-endian byte format
  2. varint: Encodes variable-length integers used for counts and lengths
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