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  • Bitcoin Search
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  • Bitcoin TLDR

Why Bitcoin Dev Project?

Bitcoin is better

when you contribute

The Bitcoin Dev Project exists to inspire the next generation of bitcoin open source contributors. We provide you with resources and support for your journey.


Simplifying bitcoin tech to help you learn as efficiently as possible


Get to work on open issues. Put your knowledge to the test. Explore vetted Free Open Source Software (FOSS) projects. And find your way in bitcoin open source.


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Tools and Resources

From Learning to Action
Dive Into Bitcoin Development

Explore tools crafted to support you in learning, building, and contributing to the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Decoding Bitcoin

The interactive learning experience to help you become confident in Bitcoin development.


The Bitcoiner's Intro to Rust

Saving Satoshi

Save bitcoin by coding through a sci-fi epic

Good First Issues

Explore vetted Free Open Source Software (FOSS) projects

Bitcoin Transcripts Review

Earn sats by reviewing and editing AI-generated transcripts

Bitcoin Search

The technical bitcoin search engine we deserve.

Bitcoin TLDR

Making it easier to engage with Delving Bitcoin, and Bitcoin and Lightning-dev mailing lists

Bitcoin Transcripts

Historical archives of transcribed talks, podcasts and lectures


Chat with your favorite bitcoin sources and authors.

What Is the Bitcoin Dev Project?

About The Bitcoin Dev Project

We support developers throughout their bitcoin open source development journey, providing the resources and guidance they need. From that first encounter with bitcoin tech to finding your fit within the ecosystem, we are here to inspire, guide, and support you

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Learn, Explore, Contribute today.

While bitcoin is designed to be resilient, we do need you. Bitcoin needs all the talent and energy it can gather to solve some of the most difficult problems of our time. Bitcoin in your hands changes everything. Join us.