Signing Transactions

In this tutorial, we'll learn how to sign a transaction by working with a real example from BIP143's test vectors.

The transaction has two inputs, but we'll focus specifically on signing the second input which is a P2WPKH (native SegWit) input.
The first input is a legacy P2PK input which uses a different signing method that we won't cover now.

SVG Image

Our goal is to create and sign this transaction:

  Unsigned Raw Transaction:
  Transaction Breakdown:
  nVersion:  01000000
  txin:      02 fff7f7881a8099afa6940d42d1e7f6362bec38171ea3edf433541db4e4ad969f 00000000 00 eeffffff
                ef51e1b804cc89d182d279655c3aa89e815b1b309fe287d9b2b55d57b90ec68a 01000000 00 ffffffff
  txout:     02 202cb20600000000 1976a9148280b37df378db99f66f85c95a783a76ac7a6d5988ac
                9093510d00000000 1976a9143bde42dbee7e4dbe6a21b2d50ce2f0167faa815988ac
  nLockTime: 11000000

Transaction Decoder Tool

💡 You can explore this transaction in detail using our Transaction Decoder tool.

Below is the complete transaction data. You can refer back to this whenever you need to check any details during the following steps:


InputTypePrevious Transaction IDOutput IndexAmountScriptPubKeyPrivate KeyPublic Key
#0P2PK9f96ade4b41d5433f4eda31e1738ec2b36f6e7d1420d94a6af99801a88f7f7ff06.25 BTC2103c9f4836b9a4f77fc0d81f7bcb01b7f1b35916864b9476c241ce9fc198bd25432acbbc27228ddcb9209d7fd6f36b02f7dfa6252af40bb2f1cbc7a557da8027ff86603c9f4836b9a4f77fc0d81f7bcb01b7f1b35916864b9476c241ce9fc198bd25432
#1P2WPKH8ac60eb9575db5b2d987e29f301b5b819ea83a5c6579d282d189cc04b8e151ef16 BTC00141d0f172a0ecb48aee1be1f2687d2963ae33f71a1619c335025c7f4012e556c2a58b2506e30b8511b53ade95ea316fd8c3286feb9025476c2e83188368da1ff3e292e7acafcdb3566bb0ad253f62fc70f07aeee6357


#01.1234 BTC (112,340,000 satoshis)1976a9148280b37df378db99f66f85c95a783a76ac7a6d5988ac
#12.2345 BTC (223,450,000 satoshis)1976a9143bde42dbee7e4dbe6a21b2d50ce2f0167faa815988ac

Steps We'll Follow

  1. Create Base Transaction

  2. Adding Inputs

  3. Adding Outputs

  4. Generate ScriptCode

  5. Calculate Transaction Digest

  6. Calculate Preimage and Sighash

  7. Generate and Encode the Signature

  8. Add Witness Field

  9. Assemble Final Transaction

Each step will be explained in detail in the following sections, with code examples and tests using this exact transaction data.

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