Setup local development
To get started on this project, we've prepared a starter repository with some code for you.
The project source code exists on GitHub, at the following URL:
If you're familiar with Git, you can fork this project and clone it onto your own computer.
If you're not familiar with Git, you can download a .zip file containing everything you need:
To run a local development server, we first need to install third-party dependencies (eg. React, bitcoin-js). This can be done by cd-ing into the root project folder and running the following command:
$ npm install
Once the dependencies have been downloaded, you can run a dev server with the following command:
$ npm run dev
This will start a local development server. The terminal output should look something like this:

After downloading the project repository and starting a development server (npm run dev), you should see the following initial page:

If you have any questions about this project, feel free to ask in Discord!
Have fun! ๐