Exercise 1: Easy

In this exercise, we'll be looking at the ScriptPubKey from the transaction in block 170, where Satoshi sent 10 BTC to Hal Finney.

Your Task

Your task is to identify the different components of the P2PK ScriptPubKey in its hexadecimal representation.

*Use the interactive highlighter below to select the correct parts of the script when prompted.

P2PK ScriptPubKey Highlighter
Score: 0
Get ready!

Welcome to the P2PK ScriptPubKey Highlighter! Your task is to identify different parts of the hex string.

Components to Identify:

  1. OP_PUSHBYTES_65: This opcode indicates that the next 65 bytes should be pushed onto the stack.
  2. Public Key: The actual public key (65 bytes in uncompressed format).
  3. OP_CHECKSIG: The opcode that verifies the signature against the public key.
Click to reveal next hint (0/4)
  • Remember that in hexadecimal, each byte is represented by two characters.
  • The public key takes up 65 bytes (130 hexadecimal characters).
  • The public key starts immediately after OP_PUSHBYTES_65 and is 130 characters long in hex.
  • OP_CHECKSIG is represented by 'ac' in hexadecimal and appears at the end of the script.

After completing this exercise, try to answer the following questions:

Why is the public key 65 bytes long in this script?

By completing this exercise, you'll gain a better understanding of how P2PK scripts are structured and how to interpret their hexadecimal representations.

This will be helpful as we explore more complex script types in future lessons.